Sunday, May 29, 2011

Research In Motion (RIM) to bring Torch 2 with Dual Core

SAN FRANCISCO - Research In Motion (RIM) is reportedly preparing first-generation successor of the Torch. Rumors are circulating after the pictures that allegedly is Torch 2 appeared on the internet.

One of the technology website Boy Genius Report, Sunday (05/29/2011), reported the most fundamental changes in the BlackBerry Torch 2 is from the processor. The reason, as reported by the site, Torch 2 will be immersed with 1.2 Ghz dual core processor, or two times faster than previous Torch that only 600 Mhz.

Meanwhile, for the problem (os) operating system, BlackBery Torch 2 almost certainly use a new mobile operating systems from RIM, the BlackBerry OS 7. Moreover, RIM is predicted to be introducing this phone and get them to market in quarter 3 or 4 2011.

The concept of a sliding qwerty with the addition of a touch screen is still the mainstay for the family this Torch. Moreover, with an additional 3.2-inch screen, and a camera that has the maximum force up to 5 megapixels.

But some user complaints about the weight of the first generation Torch that feel heavy, now try dipangkasa RIM to cut a thinner battery resulting in weight Torch 2 is much thinner and lighter.


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